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What do you receive with your plans ?


The perfect place for you bodybuilders to make that transition into some longer term training. Focusing on not only increasing muscle mass but also putting a focus on cardiovascular fitness and health.

This subtle way of combining bodybuilding with conditioning is a great start for those that have only ever known how to build their muscles. The split is that of a 70/30 breakdown between the well known and loved bodybuilding, alongside that of circuits, cardio and fun ! 

This is a great entry for the rest of the services we offer, the programme consists of a 5 day split, built into our app with video explanations for each exercise alongside a weekly macro breakdown from one of our coaches. Within the app you’ll gain access to our EVOLVE community and find yourself alongside like minded fitness fanatics. 

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The wonderful Hybrid approach, what is it… This training method is a 50/50 split between running, strength training and bodybuilding. Combining some of our favourite training styles all into one programme. 

Whether you’re a seasoned runner or experienced weightlifter we will give you the path to take your training to the next level and excel at both running and weightlifting, increasing your overall fitness and improving your overall aesthetic. 

This is a great stepping stone for those who enjoy running weightlifting and conditioning work but don’t know how to tie them all together. This is a 5 day split aiming to improve both your lifting ability as well as your running capacity.



The perfect place to be if you’re an individual who wants to excel in all areas of their training. Comprising of a carefully assembled mix of training methods, consisting of a mix of weightlifting, strength training, power development, running, athletic development and more. Our Evolve package is designed for those individuals who want to sharpen their skills in all areas one step at a time. 

This programme allows for you to learn new skills alongside improving some of the skills you currently have. This is a 5 day split, combining all of the essentials of training, giving you the route to be the best version of yourself no matter the starting point.


1-1 Coaching

1-1 Coaching, what is it ? What do you receive ? The answer is whatever you want it to be. 

As 1-1 coaching should be, its personal to you. Wether your training to get onto the platform and compete or just wanting to learn the basics and get started in the gym, we make it about you and make it designed for your every need. 

With over a decade worth of experience with in person and online coaching, we feel our team at Evolve can cater for you and the challenges you may be struggling with.

Your coaching will consist of an initial boarding call to better understand where you are currently and what we can help you with. From there depending on the initial call we will ask you to complete an online movement screening to better understand how you move and what you are capable of. From there, we set goals, create time frames for those goals and get you to where you want to be!

Simple as that…

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The perfect balance between bodybuilding and conditoning


£60 /pm

outlift the runners and outrun the lifters


£60 /pm

BECome the all-round everyday athlete


£60 /pm

1-1 coaching, how it should be... personalised to your every need


£100 /pm

Great to get you started



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